More on Canadian Pharmacies that Fill US Prescriptions

canadian pharmacies that fill us prescriptions

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No one can be assured of a lifetime of good health, and most of the people who must take prescription medication on an ongoing basis are in otherwise good health provided they stay on the medication. Some medications are going to come with MUCH higher end user costs than others, and that’s paired with the fact folks don’t get to choose which drug is the best treatment for their condition. It’s unfortunate that drugs being covered under Medicare Part D in America are decreasing, and as a result those without extended insurance coverage may be in a bad spot. Canadian pharmacies that fill US prescriptions might be exactly what’s needed for more affordable drugs. 

Fortunately many can fill prescriptions written in America, and paying a lower price for drugs is going to be priority number 1 when ordering medication from Canada Pharmacy. All Americans will be familiar with the FDA is and its function, and seeing to the quality and purity of Rx medication dispensed at American pharmacies is front and center in all of that. This is true for both branded AND generic drugs, and Health Canada is the same type of federal regulatory body in Canada enforcing similarly strict rules with our pharma care industry.

Canadian pharmacies that fill US prescriptions can offer you the exact same medication that is every bit as effective and safe as you would get on your home soil. That applies to generics, and for OTC health products if they’re also a need in your household.

So can you fill US prescriptions in Canada? Yes, that’s entirely possible and some people get their medication from Mexico, the USA’s other next-door neighbour. A Mexican pharmacy may be able to fill your prescription too but ordering drugs online from Canada and enjoying lower prices with home delivery is what most people will be looking for.

Able to Dispense for Less

The primary reason drugs are so expensive in the USA is monopoly pricing on medication, and you may be surprised to learn that no other 1st world country has a completely unregulated system for pricing pharmaceuticals like the one here. Once the window for a drug to be patented (usually five (5) years) expires then a generic equivalent of that drug can be made. But until then, the big pharma manufacturing companies are free to put whatever price they want on their drugs.

That one ongoing reality is why medication is so expensive in America, and that expensiveness also extends to generic drugs. It is also something to be said about the way middlemen buyers representing healthcare insurance providers don’t negotiate with manufacturers effectively to bring prices down is also a factor.

And that’s because it would cut into their own slice of the pie. The for-profit nature of the pharmaceutical industry in America is firmly established, and it leads to people considering Canadian pharmacies that fill US prescriptions. The tips for buying medication online exist today as a checklist guide to navigate the online pharmaceutical space.

Commonly Prescribed Meds for Less

An Rx medication that is especially popular these days AND far too pricey for a lot of men is Cialis. The per-pill price for this medication in the USA can be a shock - as much as $50+ per pill and typically not covered with healthcare plans. But as you’d expect you can buy Cialis for a lower per-pill price when you order ED medication from Canada.

28 2.5mg pills for less than $200 is a good estimate of what you’d pay for Viagra from Canada, and this is just one example of many where everyday folks can find better prices on drugs online.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.

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