Most people don’t pay any attention to how many times they chew their food before swallowing, and some foods need to be chewed more than others. But how well you chew your food is key to it being able to slide down the esophagus and into the stomach, and even more relevant to how well and quickly you’re able to digest the food. What goes down easy doesn’t always exit the body as easily, and yes, we’re talking about constipation. Regardless of how well you chew your food, it may be difficult to pass later and for some constipation symptoms are too much. Motegrity can help to get things moving again.
Bloating and flatulence are two obvious constipation symptoms which are the most problematic for people, but we can start by saying that foods that cause flatulence aren’t necessarily the same ones that cause constipation. At the top of the list there are beans and lentils, and most people will agree that it’s not often beans make bowel movements a challenge. The number one constipation causing food is milk. High-fat milk especially because it slows down the digestive process. Even for those who don’t have any lactose intolerance at all.
Not to say everyone who has a bowl of cereal as their breakfast of choice is going to get constipated more often, but it is true that for most people who get constipation symptoms it is rooted in what they choose to eat or drink regularly. There are exceptions to that though. We mentioned the prescription constipation medication above, but for people who don’t have any type of severe or chronic constipation a natural laxative with cassia extract will do just fine for fast constipation relief.
Constipation symptoms are experienced differently between men and women. Age can also factor in. Generally, if you’re older, then it is harder to get constipation relief. Especially if you’re using certain medications. The standardized list of constipation symptoms is as follow:
Difficult or painful bowel movements
Excessive straining to pass stools
Dry, hard, or lumpy stools
Abdominal pain
Excessive flatulence
Fewer than 3 bowel movements a week
Feelings of sluggishness
Most people will have constipation symptoms that are quite mild, but the issue becomes more about how frequently they have the problem. This leads to a discussion of the different types of constipation, and there are 4 of them. Idiopathic constipation is the most common and what most people must deal with. This is a slower digestive process that leads to having any or all the constipation symptoms listed above. This may also be called functional constipation.
Slow-transit constipation is a more chronic version that is related to impaired body function. In this case that has to do with peristalsis – the natural contracting and squeezing movements in the intestines that slowly but surely work food along until it’s ready to leave. Outlet constipation is when the muscles of the pelvic floor are damaged, and this is common in women following pregnancy. Therapy approaches will often not involve the use of prescription constipation relief medication.
Secondary constipation is when the constipation is caused by another condition or because of an additional factor that has been introduced to the body, and that’s the right lead in to move to constipation causes.
Constipation symptoms may be a big bother, but it’s helpful to have an understanding of why going to the bathroom isn’t as routine and uneventful for you as it once was. Hypothyroidism can be a cause of constipation as well as having high blood sugar levels because of diabetes. Other medical conditions that may be behind the appearance of constipation symptoms are:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Neurological disorders like spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke
Lazy bowel syndrome with poor colon contraction
Intestinal obstruction
Structural digestive tract defects like fistula, colonic atresia, and volvulus
Diseases like amyloidosis, lupus, and scleroderma
Lifestyle may be a factor too. Stress, inactivity, insufficient hydration, or not getting enough fiber in your diet could be possible constipation causes as well. Next is the connection between medication use and constipation, and these are drugs that cause constipation symptoms:
Prescription painkillers like Codeine, Tramadol, and Oxycontin
OTC NSAIDs like Advil, Motrin and Aleve
SSRi and Tricyclic antidepressant medications
Antihistamine allergy medications like Benadryl
Calcium-channel and beta blocker blood pressure medications
Psychiatric medications and anticonvulsant or antinausea medications