If you’re a person who has the misfortune of having allergies you’ll know how often it’s the eyes that take the brunt of the force when your immune system goes haywire. No fault to be laid there, as you do want your immune system functioning as it’s supposed to. But dealing with allergies can be very unpleasant. Usually allergic conjunctivitis results in eyes that water like crazy, but dry eyes due to allergies can happen too. Fortunately, there’s artificial tears to provide temporary relief, but usually what’s needed is to address the allergy response at its root and a medication like Alocril can be ideal.
These medications tend to be best suited for relief of itchiness, redness, and watering but if your allergies are causing dry eye then it can help there too. It counters the inflammatory response in the eye’s mast cells which cause the reaction and, in some cases, prevent the tear ducts from functioning as they should and keeping the eye lubricated. In rarer cases the ducts may become dysfunction if they person is rubbing their eyes constantly due to the itchiness.
In the same way we know that’s pretty much the worst idea if you’re dealing with a mosquito bite, it’s also inadvisable to scratch itchy eyes due to allergies. That only makes them itch more, and you may find that in the following days you have dry eyes because of it.
Dry eyes due to allergies isn’t as common as having watery eyes, but they’re more easily remedied with a lubricant eye drop like Tears Naturale II. Let’s look at all these options here today and also talk about what anyone can do to minimize the severity of allergy attacks.
Most people won’t give any thought to eyeball lubrication, and that’s a good thing because it means they have no concerns about their eyes and they feel and work just fine. But while dry eyes aren’t exactly painful, it sure it is something of a discomfort. And what’s important to know is that using medicated eye drops for allergies repeatedly over a short period of time can actually be the cause of a person’s dry eyes.
So in these instances it’s the allergy treatment that’s causing the dry eyes. By getting rid of red, itchy, and watery eyes you’ve created dry eyes. Most people don’t experience this, but some people may have mast cells and tear ducts that are more sensitive to the antihistamine ingredients found in products like Restasis and others. This tends to occur if antihistamine eye drops are used for many days in succession and high volume applications. In some cases a steroid eye drop may be required.
But before we get into more on dry eyes due to allergies, let’s build an understanding of what goes into a properly lubricated eyeball. Good tears are the product of a three-part equation – oil layer, mucus layer, and water layer. Shortcomings with any of the three of these and you may have tears that don’t hydrate the eye properly and this can be cause of dry eyes due to allergies. However, it’s usually due to overuse of allergy medications for the eyes rather than because of the allergy itself.
Most people will agree that watering eyes due to allergies are probably better than having a rush of tears because you’re upset and crying. Dry skin around the eyes due to allergies isn’t as much of a problem, but it can happen and some people are more prone to dry skin in this area than others. The fix here is fairly simple, and a moisturizing cream like Moisturel will replenish your skin to its previously healthy condition.
Dry eyes happen to older people more often in general, and many times dry eyes due to allergies isn’t the cause of their ocular discomfort. Dry eye can also be the result of:
Decongestant use
Antidepressant medication use
Thyroid disorders
Vitamin A deficiency
Plus many other potential causes. Which leads us to the next part of our discussion on dry eyes due to allergies – what are some natural ways to prevent dry eyes?
Artificial Tears can be purchased from a Canadian online pharmacy without a prescription and they work really well as a dry eyeball treatment. But there are also ways that people can add to the effectiveness of dry eye treatments with natural cures too. Vitamin A is very beneficial for vision health, and it turns out that upping your vitamin A intake can be helpful if you get chronic dry eyes from allergies or any other factor. More omega-3 oils in your diet is good too, and some people even put coconut oil on their eyelids to treat dry eyes.