How Long for Wellbutrin to Work

How Long for Wellbutrin to Work

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It’s easy to sympathize with people who have chronic clinical depression or generalized anxiety disorder. It’s also not difficult to understand that they’re wanting to find relief from their mental health ailments as quickly as possible. Wellbutrin is a medication that can be prescribed for either of these conditions, and the active ingredient in it – Bupropion – is known to work well to improve neurotransmitter balances in the brain. That will sound might good to sufferers, but they will likely be asking how long for Wellbutrin to work? 

The standard timeline for this tends to be the same for any atypical antidepressant drug, and this class is different from the SSRIs that most antidepressants belong too. Wellbutrin is often prescribed when a person hasn’t had success with depression treatment using an SSRI like Prozac or Zoloft. It may also be prescribed for people with bipolar disorder, and interestingly there is a connection between bipolar disorder and promiscuity. There’s definitely some material for comedians to work with there, but we shouldn’t make jokes.  

What we know in relation to how long for Wellbutrin to work is that for most users they start to see improvements in their mental health within 2 weeks of starting on Bupropion. For some it may take longer, and person’s basal metabolic rate will always factor into how quickly a medication starts to work. But 1 month should be the longest period of time a person would need to wait to experience relief from depression or bipolar disorder when using Wellbutrin. This applies for how long does Wellbutrin take to work for anxiety too.  

Wakey Wakey  

Sleep is the great rejuvenator for the brain, but it is entirely possible to spend too much time with your head on a pillow. One of the complaints that people seeing a doctor may sometimes share is that they have hypersomnolence with depression, and a compulsion to sleep far too much than they should. Continuing with how long for Wellbutrin to work, these people may want to get an answer there for this reason too. People who need to be productive for work or to make the most of promiscuous urges can’t be sleeping too much.  

So Wellbutrin may be the best fit as a depression treatment medication for them too, and it is often an ideal choice for people who have severe generalized anxiety disorder. There is some research that suggests anxiety disorder can be genetic, and many people will be able to add their own experience in seeing it run in their families where children have the same problems with chronic anxiety that one of their parents do. In these instances and when signs are seen at a young age it is always best if the young person can get professional medical help as soon as possible. This may preclude asking how long for Wellbutrin to work, but choosing which medication to start on will always be the doctor’s decision.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. See your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment for your pet if you have any concerns.

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