How to Test for Diabetes?

How to Test for Diabetes?

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Even those who have the most limited amount of understanding of diseases will know that diabetes is caused by too much glucose in the blood. Ideally that glucose is channeled into cells to be used for energy, but of course insulin is required to do that. If you have Type 1 diabetes you’re insulin deficient, or if it is Type 2 diabetes you’ll be insulin resistant. One isn’t necessarily any worse than the other, but if you’re seeing the signs of chronically elevated blood sugar levels then the question becomes how to test for diabetes.

So of course, knowing the nature of diabetes you’d assume most people would say it would have to involve some type of blood test. And they’d be correct. The FPG fasting plasma glucose test is the most common way diabetes is diagnosed. If you know it is time to ask how to get tested for diabetes then it is quite likely you will be taking that test before long. It is also possible that you may take an A1C hemoglobin test to receive a diabetes diagnosis.

Diabetes symptoms can come on slowly, and that’s part of the problem as people don’t get on a blood sugar control regimen while they’re still prediabetic. What that means is that the person’s blood sugar has been too high for quite some time already but they haven’t yet developed diabetes. It’s also at this point that there’s the most legitimate opportunity for the individual to make the prediabetes diet and lifestyle changes needed to avoid becoming diabetic. Let’s talk more about how to test for diabetes.

Life of a Red Blood Cell

We’re not making a departure from our topic here. But the significance of red blood cells with how to test for diabetes is that the life span of those cells is key for A1C tests being as accurate as they are. A long-term assessment is usually better than short-term one, and that’s nearly always true when it is anything related to health and the body. An A1C tests is able to measure your blood sugar levels over the course of 3 months, and the average 3-month life span of red blood cells is what makes that possible!

We’ll conclude here by saying that not all diabetes diagnosis tests involve drawing blood, even though it is true that an A1C test requires very little blood. But doctors that suspect their patient has Type 1 diabetes may not be recommending taking any blood at all. A urine test for diabetes is common for Type 1 diabetes diagnosis and what this test will do is measure ketone levels in the urine. Plenty of them means fat tissue is being used for energy rather than glucose, and indicating Type 1 diabetes.

The last different possibility is if how to test for diabetes pertains to a woman who is pregnant. In these instances, the standard approach is with an initial glucose challenge test or a 2-hour glucose tolerance test.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. See your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment for your pet if you have any concerns.

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