What is a Normal Blood Sugar Level for a Cat

What is a Normal Blood Sugar Level for a Cat

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Cats have the advantage of being fairly low-maintenance pets. At least compared to dogs. Cats don’t injure themselves nearly as often and it’s a darn good thing they know not to mess with skunks. But both cats and dogs can get diabetes the same way humans can, and just like it is for us there is more of a chance of developing diabetes when the cat gets older. The fact that they often are more sedentary as they get older certainly doesn’t help, but this leads to what is a normal blood sugar level for a cat. This is what we’ll look at here.  

It's going to be different for sure, and that should be obvious based on the fact there’s a lot less of the crimson stuff circulating through our pets. But unless you’re a veterinarian with years of experience you’re not going to know what should a cat’s blood sugar level be. You also need to be careful about what you take to be the truth with information you find online, and that will apply to anything you read here too. But here at Canada Drugs Direct we do make the effort to provide accurate medical information to the best of our ability.  

That goes for information related to pet health too, and so let’s continue with what is the normal blood sugar level for a cat. That’s going to be especially good to know if you have a cat with prediabetes and you are trying to be proactive in helping your pet stay away from progressing into full diabetes. It’s much more possible to reverse diabetes in pets when you are able to make the necessary changes and / or administer medication when they are still in the prediabetes stage.  

Feed, and Check  

The first point you should understand with what is a normal blood sugar level for a cat is that the level may be slightly different based on the age and breed of the cat. But the standard range for cat blood sugar levels is 80 to 120 mg/dL. Anything above that and elevated blood glucose levels to such an extent may mean the cat is becoming diabetic. If a cat has diabetes the owner will almost always become aware that some type of ill health is being experienced by their pet.  

That’s because cat diabetes symptoms are often quite pronounced, and two of them that are most indicative of the fact something isn’t right with their health is that they are insatiably thirsty nearly all the time and also need to urinate so much more than they used to. Increasing lethargy (lack of energy) or weakness can also be a sign, as well as appetite changes or unexplained vomiting. If your cat gains weight suddenly it may also be a sign that they have high blood sugar levels over a long period of time. 

We’ve provided the range for what is a normal blood sugar level for a cat, and you can buy pet meds online here for the best prices, including ones for pet diabetes management.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. See your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment for your pet if you have any concerns.

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