What Causes Bacterial Infection

What Causes Bacterial Infection

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It’s not helpful – or accurate 99% of the time - to say every one of these people is this way, always. Stereotypes and generalizations have been around forever, and while they’re often harmless and humorous there are times that they’re not that way at all. It’s important to remember than not every one of a specific group of people will have the characteristics or identity markers that some of them do.

Not every American loves baseball, not every Canadian loves hockey (darn close though), and not every Englishman loves the sport that they know as football. And not everyone knows what causes bacterial infection. We’ll get to that, but let’s look at the generalizations that don’t do bacteria any favors in the same way the ones above don’t do any for Yanks, Canucks, or Limeys.

Now it’s a fact that bacteria and viruses are very different from each other, yet many people know them to be pretty much the same. They’re not. They are both pathogens and as such they’re organisms that cause disease, but bacteria are larger and capable of reproducing on their own. Viruses are smaller and can’t.

With the part of that there reading ‘that cause disease’ it’s somewhat understandable why there are some generalizations made about bacteria. For a lot of people there is an immediate negative mindset as soon as they hear the word ‘bacteria’, and its usually because the word is connected to becoming ill.

In the interest of making light of the ‘good’ bacteria out there, one can’t do any better than share information about the Enteric Nervous System, or what many people refer to as the body’s Second Brain.

Types of Bacterial Infection

Right then, we’ve established that generalizations aren’t helpful, and that not all bacteria are bad. When it comes to bacterial infections, however, what’s going on inside you is in fact pretty nefarious most of the time. What causes bacterial infection depends on the type of infection, and the same can be said for what to take for bacterial infection.

Bacterial skin infections are almost always caused by one of a pair of bacteria, and they can go ahead and get into the ‘bad guy’ bucket if that were possible. Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are their names, and you want no part of them. The bacterial infections they cause are:

  • Cellulitis

  • Folliculitis

  • Impetigo

Now for these conditions, what to take for a bacterial infection is an oral or topical antibiotics. Cipro (Ciprofloxacin) is one of the most popular antibiotics used around the world for bacterial infections, and for good reason – it’s effective and usually pretty quick about doing so. Augmentin (Amoxicillin) is another good choice.

A foodborne bacterial illness is what’s going on when it was ‘something you ate.’ The symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, and abdominal pain. There’s any number of similar bad guys that could be behind your bad guts – c. jejuni, c. botulinum, e. coli, among the many of the what causes bacterial infection.

We could go on further here, but the last type of bacterial infections we’ll discuss here today is sexually transmitted diseases. STDs are always big time unpleasant, and you’ll want to know what to take for bacterial infection ASAP if you end up one. The most common ones are chlamydia (chlamydia trachomatis), gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae), syphilis (treponema pallidum), and bacterial vaginosis.

A lesser known one is urogenital trichomoniasis, and as equally unpleasant as all the rest the good news is that it’s knocked out very reliably with an antibiotic medication called Fasigyn (Tinidazole).

More on What Causes Bacterial Infection

We’ll conclude the on-topic part of our blog here by talking specifically about how bacterial infections spread. Bacterial of all sorts – good and bad – will always take any opportunity to get on the move when it’s there. Some bacterial infections like cholera and typhoid fever are most commonly spread through contaminated water. Botulism and salmonella are acquired through contaminated food, and tuberculosis is a real threat with the fact it can be contracted by simply breathing air in the vicinity where a person with it has sneezed or coughed.

Good practices for avoiding bacterial infections, so you don’t have to be wondering what to take for bacterial infection? Well here’s a few:

  • Wash your hands before handling food and always after using the toilet or touching unfamiliar animals

  • Cook meat and seafood thoroughly

  • Abstain from sexual contact unless you have a barrier prophylactic, like a condom

  • And – last but not least – don’t assume that your illness MUST be caused by bacteria and that you NEED an antibiotic as a result

As the well-know TV public service commercial states ‘Not all bugs need drugs’ and antibiotic resistance is a very real concern these days. It’s definitely something we as a society need to pay attention to, or the big-picture ramifications of continuing to abuse and overuse antibiotics could be quite dire.

Wrap Up

It’s fair to say that Americans are the one nationality that has the greatest number of generalizations and stereotypes applied to them. We could list out any number of them, but we’ll skip doing so because not only are they just that – generalizations – but a lot of them reflect very badly on the people perpetuating them and so we’ll take the high road here and just make the overarching statement on its own.

If bacteria could talk you can bet they’d voice their displeasure towards anyone who insists they’re ‘all bad.’

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. See your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment for your pet if you have any concerns.

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