A migraine is a neurological imbalance that causes pain usually on one side of the brain or head. A migraine headache pain can range from moderate to severe but usually tends to be throbbing and intense. A migraine headache is usually severe and recurring and may or may not be accompanied with sensory warning signs.
There are two major types of migraines i.e., migraines with aura and migraines without aura.
Migraine with aura
A migraine with aura is a headache that is accompanied with warning signs beforehand. These warning signs may include confusion and confusing thoughts, flashing lights and other visual disturbances such as seeing strings on objects, not being able to see a part of an object, sensation of being exposed to a bright camera flash, zigzagging lines, blind spots and other similar sensations.
Some, during such a migraine headache type, may even experience numbness or tingling on the skin, stiffness in shoulders and neck, face difficulty in speaking, etc.
Migraine without aura
Migraine without an aura is a headache that occurs without any preliminary signs. This is the more common forms of migraines where people experience no symptoms prior to the attack and have sudden, throbbing pain in one part of the head.
There are no definite causes of migraines identified as yet but there are certain factors that are said to trigger the migraine headache attack. These factors may be different from different people because everyone’s body functions differently.
The causes that are most likely to cause a migraine are listen down below:
Physical Causes
Vigorous exercise, tiredness, poor or insufficient sleep, poor posture that may cause shoulder or neck pain and stiffness are all related to causing migraines.
Dietary Changes
Specific foods such as the smell of cheese, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits and foods containing the additive tyramine are also said to cause painful migraines. Other habits such as irregular mealtimes and dehydration, smoking may also result in a headache.
Certain medications particularly those that contain synthetic hormones and tend to disturb the natural balance of the body’s hormones also tend to lead to a migraine. These medications may include sleeping pills. Also, contraceptive pills, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications are all included in this category.
Environmental Factors
Strong smells, second-hand smoke, flickering or bright lights, blaring noises, stuffy rooms, crowds, temperature changes can also set of a migraine headache attack.
Emotional Factors
Stress, depression, anxiety, shock, excitement can trigger a migraine headache as well. Women experience migraines mostly when menstruating due to hormonal imbalance and mood swings.
Migraine symptoms may be experienced by an individual a while before the headache itself, during the headache or maybe even after the headache. It may vary from person to person due to different responses of the body.
The most common symptoms that accompany a migraine headache are:
Increased sensitivity to light and sounds
Severe or excruciating pain usually one side of the head that may be described as heavy poundings.
Eye pain
Some migraine pains tend to worsen with physical exertion or straining, or even while performing simple daily activities.
Everybody responds differently to different stimuli and hence, a migraine for someone may be dependent upon how his or her body reacts to it. That’s why you need to understand the number of factors that need to be considered when determining how long to migraines last.
Generally, a migraine may last from about 4 hours to even a long time as 72 hours. Some people may experience a migraine attack at least once a week while some may get an attack only once per year. Some people tend to experience migraine from early childhood while some may not have it occur until they are well in their adulthood.
Women are more likely to suffer from migraine pains as compared to men. Hereditary and family history also plays an important role in whom and how frequently someone experiences migraine headaches. According to a survey, migraines tend to affect people between the ages of 15 to 55.
Currently, there are no cures for migraine. However, there are many remedies, lifestyle changes and certain medications that are said to help reduce the pain as well as the frequency of migraines in people dealing with a migraine headache.
Remedies for Migraine
It may help to lie down in a quiet, dark room when going through a migraine headache.
You may also massage your scalp and temples to help ease the pain or place a cold cloth on the forehead.
Lifestyle Changes
Getting enough quality sleep
Reduced stress levels
Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water
Regular physical exercise
Many people choose to manage migraines with efficient medicines. It is advised to make use of medicines at the start of the headache rather than waiting for it to get worse.
Common painkillers and over the counter medicines are used to treat migraines such as:
Naproxen is said to treat pain, swelling, and stiffness and help bring about a relieved effect. Aleve and Naprosyn are the most common forms of Naproxen. You can easily buy Naprosyn from Canada Drugs Direct.
Ibuprofen works in a similar way to naproxen. You can buy generic Ibuprofen form Canada Drugs Direct at the best rates and have it delivered directly to your doorstep.
Amerge is another medicine to deal with the pain associated with a migraine headache. However, keep in mind that it isn’t a drug for curing migraine. Amerge is currently available at the best price from Canada Drugs Direct.
Migraines are usually severe, deliberating, and uncomfortable. It is important to distinguish between a headache and migraine by carefully monitoring symptoms and frequency. Make sure to consult a doctor before using any medications.
You can buy all your migraine headache medication from Canada Drugs Direct at the best and cheapest prices and get them delivered to your home. As an online pharmacy, you are assured about your customer experience and the quality of drugs you are paying for.