Everything You Need to Know About Blood Sugar Levels

Everything You Need to Know About Blood Sugar Levels

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Kids say the darndest things, and if grandma is overheard to say she needs to “watch my blood sugar” you might have them asking why nana is putting sugar in her blood if they’re not old enough to know better. As parents, we are always having to provide corrections and explanations, and this is just one humorous example of the many. What’s not funny though are the potential health problems that can develop if someone’s blood sugar is too high. Especially if someone who has been a Type 2 diabetic for decades doesn’t know what level of blood sugar is dangerous. Farxiga is an effective blood sugar lowering medication.

The clinical term for that is hyperglycaemia, and one of the most telltale signs when your blood sugar is elevated way too much is being unexplainedly very thirsty and with a dry mouth. Some people find that their vision gets blurry and this can be a health risk for entirely non-physiological reasons too, especially if you drive to work daily and in any other scenarios as well. Keeping blood sugar down is important primarily for good metabolic health, but it’s also important for protecting your heart. If a person’s blood sugar is too high for too long, then blood vessels and nerves that control your heart can be damaged.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg with the potential risks and it reinforces the need to understand what level of blood sugar is dangerous. We’ll get to that here and we’ll also elaborate further on why it’s important to stay on top of your blood glucose levels if you have Type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is a real problem for individuals with diabetes, and people become more insulin resistant when they get less physical activity than they used to.

Know the Baseline

Let’s now get to answering the question – what level of blood sugar is dangerous? The baseline number for measuring this is 180 milliliters per deciliter (180ml/dl) but be aware that number is for after you’ve eaten a meal. Everyone’s blood sugar goes up after they eat, it’s not something that’s exclusive to diabetics. At any other time of the day you should try to be between 70 to 100mg/dl as an appropriate guideline for what level of blood sugar is dangerous.

Being above the 180 mark at any time is cause for concern, especially if you’re way above that. While you’re not going to be in immediate danger it’s important to know that if this happens too frequently another potential health complication is that you’ll be producing more harmful LDL cholesterol that can promote plaque in the bloodstream that builds up on artery walls. This can be the start of the person becoming at risk of a heart attack or stroke, and those are 2 of the biggest risks related to unchecked diabetes.

The active ingredient in Farxiga – Dapagliflozin – works by forcing the body to excrete excess glucose through urination, and this means blood sugar levels come down naturally. Although it is not guaranteed that you get under your baseline number depending on what time of the day it is. You’ll need to be very proactive with using your blood glucose monitoring meter, and another thing to keep in mind is that if you start feeling numbness in your toes or tips of your fingers. This can be because of hyperglycemia.

Kind to Kidneys

Another reason to monitor blood glucose and stay on top of it is because having it for a long time can also lead to compromised kidney function. Your kidneys do an incredible amount of good work in keeping your body clean and toxin free. The bodies kidneys and liver function as a kind of a dynamic duo and giving that duo the support they need may involve learning what level of blood sugar is dangerous.

We talked about the significance of when you eat meals as it relates to blood sugar readings, and some Type 2 diabetics will also choose to use a product like Precose that they take right before eating. Precose is different from Farxiga in that it goes to work in the intestines and slows the breakdown and absorption of calories taken in from food. This is how it contributes to lowering blood sugar levels and then if the person can be smarter about diet and body weight, they may find these diabetes medications to be even more effective.

We’ll wrap it up for this one by sharing some diet and exercise tips for better blood sugar management.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. See your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment for your pet if you have any concerns.

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