When Are Fleas and Ticks Most Active

When Are Fleas and Ticks Most Active

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Dogs are able to learn and recognize the meaning of words they hear, and many pet owners will tell you of the need to spell out the word ‘walk’ as W-A-L-K rather than saying it normally because their dog will immediately expect to be heading out the door right that very second. Animals are a lot smarter that we give them credit for, and all dogs need to have their walks and time outdoors in general. But even the smartest of them won’t know when are fleas and ticks most active, and you probably have no idea either.    

If you’re keen to keep those nasty parasites off your dog then this will be good knowledge to have though, especially as it is also important to keep fleas out of the house too. You’re going to be taking your dog out for walks at all times of the year and during any season, and every time they’re going to be coming back inside after just like you will be. Sure, some dogs are outdoor dogs that will live in a dog house but that’s really not very common. Most dogs will be sleeping indoors and you really don’t want them bringing fleas back into the house.  

Even if you’re using a flea and tick preventative that still won’t be working fast enough to stop this type of relocation. These medications kill fleas only when the insect bites the dog and ingests blood, but some may jump off and make themselves at home elsewhere in the house before doing that. Unlikely, but it is important to know when  fleas and ticks are most active to limit the chance of you bringing an unwelcome guest back with you. And of course you don’t want you dog being bitten at all by any parasite.  

Warm Weather Fans 

You likely enjoy the sight of young women in bikinis and smell of charcoal briquettes in the air, but fleas and ticks take no interest in that stuff whatsoever. We’re looking at when are fleas and ticks most active here, and the reason they are more active during the warmer months of spring, summer, and early fall is simply because adult fleas have a difficult time surviving the cold and harsh winters that are the reality for much of North America. There’s your answer for do fleas and ticks live in winter – they don’t survive most of the time. 

The same goes for ticks, the warmer it is the more likely it is they’re going to be actively looking for a host. So as the temperatures start to go up in late spring and then into the summer this is the time that you really need to make sure your dog is protected against fleas. The safest flea and tick treatment for dogs may be your interest here.  

You will also want to be extra vigilant about whether or not fleas are on them when they come back home. Using a flea comb does take some time but it’s a good idea to look for them You now know when are fleas and ticks most active, so be on the lookout for them with warmer weather.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. See your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment for your pet if you have any concerns.

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