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Xarelto Coupon

Your body’s ability to form blood clots is an essential part of the way it minimizes damage from any wound that causes you to bleed. Indeed, blood clotting is a good thing, but there are instances where blood clots can actually pose their own health risks. When large blood clots form in the veins and then come loose to move freely there’s a risk of them travelling through the bloodstream and lodging in the lungs. This is called deep vein thrombosis, and it can result in a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lungs). Xarelto is a medication used to prevent deep vein thrombosis, and we’re happy to make this Xarelto coupon available for those of you who need it but have difficult affording their medication. Take advantage of it when ordering medication online from Canada Drugs Direct.

One of the most common risk-increasing factors for DVT is having hip or knee replacement surgery. This is because it’s common for patients to be prone in a hospital bed for long periods and being totally inactive like this increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis. The standard treatment for prevention here has been an enoxaparin injection, but Xarelto has proven itself to be a much better choice for hospital-induced DVT.

Use this Xarelto coupon to get a better price on the medication for preventing deep vein thrombosis following surgery. This Xarelto 10mg coupon, Xarelto 15mg coupon, and Xarelto 20mg coupon can be used to reduce your Xarelto cost for the medicine.

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Hospital-induced DVT occurs because prolonged bed rest means a very critical part of the body’s blood circulation process does not occur. When you’re in bed and inactive the muscles in your legs don’t work at all, and regular contraction of those muscles is integral to forcing blood to circulate through the body. When those contractions don’t occur for days or even weeks on end then the chances of deep vein thrombosis increase considerably.

Physicians and nurses will try to promote as much mild activity as is possible for the patient, but for older knee or hip replacement patients or those with preceding conditions it may be difficult or impossible to do that. These individuals are obviously the one’s most at risk for DVT and the patients for whom Xarelto will be prescribed most often. Postphlebitic syndrome is another blood clot-related condition that can be treated with Xarelto

Consumer reviews for Xarelto are very favorable, but the Xarelto cost is prohibitive for some people. If there is a generic equivalent of the medication available from Canada Drugs Direct then your Xarelto coupon can be used for a discount on the generic version of it too.

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Taking medication for prevention of deep vein thrombosis is a wise choice if you’re at risk of developing the condition, but it’s best done in conjunction with deep vein thrombosis prevention techniques. The best of these is to engage in some type of activity that requires you to engage your legs, and if walking is not possible then even standing upright is helpful. Losing weight and quitting if you are a smoker are good choice too, and regular exercise once you’re capable of it can reduce the risk of developing DVT in the future.

If you know anyone else who has deep vein thrombosis then please feel free to share this link with them and they can also take advantage of this Xarelto coupon and get their medication for less in the same way you are.

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