Trademark laws aren’t as rigid in some parts of the world as they are here, and in many places it’s easier to create a ‘knock off’ product and market it as the real thing. This is especially common in Asia, and in particular you need to be cautious about designer handbags and the like. It may look like a genuine product, but a resemblance is all. To swing this around to pharmaceuticals, generic drugs aren’t knockoffs, and they are the same medications as the branded ones they copy. Vraylar is an excellent bipolar / schizophrenia treatment medication, but it’s not available in a generic.
This isn’t ideal given how Vraylar is one of the more staggeringly expensive medications, and some people have difficulty affording it in the US. There are few people if any that are paying around $43 for each capsule of their medication, but that can be the reality for people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder who don’t have any extended health insurance that allows them to pay less for Rx medication. Vraylar generic isn’t being withheld from the market intentionally, it’s just that this is how it works.
To be more specific, generic drugs usually become available one the pharma manufacturer’s legal patent once a medication expires. That is typically 5 years from when the drug first enters the market, although it can be longer depending on the product and other legal variables. The reason these patents are put in place is simple – developing safe and effective Rx medication costs these manufacturers a LOT of money and having the patent and having only branded medication sold to pharma wholesalers allows them to recoup some of these costs.
That’s the basic explanation around why Vraylar generic isn’t around yet, but it also presents the hope that eventually it will be. Let’s continue here by looking at how the realities of generic medication and availability connect to a medication that’s formulated to take on a mental health disorder that’s as serious as schizophrenia. Brain complexity makes it the most developed organ in the human body and given what it does for us that should come as no surprise.
So, developing a medication that can effectively address the dopamine and serotonin challenges that are behind schizophrenia isn’t as easy as it is easy for other meds that target other organs. Plenty of research and development goes into that, and another reason why Vraylar is so expensive is simply because this med isn’t prescribed as often as most other ones will be. No complaints there, as we don’t have many people suffering from this horrible disorder. But for some people there is a genetic predisposition for mental illness including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and so there will be more cases in the future.
The reality is that Vraylar has been an expensive medication to develop and it’s not prescribed so frequently. The combination of those factors make it so that AbbVie Inc. will maintain the patent on the drug as long as possible, and that is just the nature of doing business and operating profitably in the pharmaceutical space. We may see Vraylar generic on the market eventually though.
There’s more to discuss about the possibility of Vraylar generic, and we can say that if you need a more affordable bipolar disorder treatment medication or one to treat schizophrenia then you may want to talk to your doctor about the possibility of using Latuda, which is another medication that can be used for the treatment of either condition depending on the individual. Before considering medication though, if you are a loved one or family member then it makes sense to have an understanding of first signs and symptoms of schizophrenia.
This is because starting treatment for bipolar disorder or schizophrenia as early as possible does contribute to the likelihood of better treatment outcomes, and in the case of schizophrenia it may also further reduce the chance of self-harm or hurting others when the mental disorder is just starting to take root and establish itself.
Bipolar is going to lend itself more to interpersonal therapy techniques, but with schizophrenia it is almost always necessary to get on meds like Vraylar generic ASAP and then work with medical experts in every way they think might be beneficial for the individual. Physicians are usually quick to suggest generic equivalents to drugs if the patients expresses concern about affording the medication. Vraylar can cost more than $1200 USD for 30 tablets and if a person doesn’t have a copay, that means PLENTY of people are going to be having that talk.
Vraylar generic may be available once the patent for it expires, and until then if you struggle to afford your medication you may want to consider ordering medication online from Canada. Branded Vraylar is about one-third that price here at Canada Drugs Direct.